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GBS Finance looking at Portugal

Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs assures that GBS Finance is planning to open a new branch in Lisbon at the end of the year or beginning 2012 in order to strengthen the ties that they already have with some clients in that market. GBS Finance is planning to intermediate in 15 deals in 2011.

Javier Herrero, partner at GBS Finance, comments about MAB

” Under present market circumstances, it is difficult to have a high number of deals, many companies came on the market in the middle of this crisis and many others have already announced intentions of being listed on the stock market soon, which shows the attraction of MAB”, Javier Herrero, partner at GBS Finance, says.

Interview with Pedro Gómez de Baeza and Juan Antonio Samaranch

GBS Finance is detecting great activity in deals in Spain. They admit that the processes are slower and cheaper. GBS Finance’ President thinks that our country is in a better situation that many people believe. “There is a serious problem of unemployment and a lack of economic growth, but our debt level is acceptable and […]

Interview to Juan Esquer, a partner at GBS Finance Family Office

“Independence is a vantage point from which you can judge any product in an aseptic manner.” Regarding the macroeconomic view, Esquer is positive about the growth in emerging markets but warns of volatility of these markets. With regard to the global economic situation, Esquer, criticizes the negativity that some managers and media show, the former […]

Santiago Hagerman talks about the effect of the increase of Euribor

Santiago Hagerman, a partner at GBS Finance, estimates that inflationary pressures could slightly relax during following months, so that if Central Eruopean Bank goes on increasing rates, this would be very gradual. In that way, he clarifies, Euribor at 12 months could reach 2.5%.

Santiago Hagerman gives opinion on the price of commodities

The market underwent a logical correction in the last few days, after sharp increases accumulated in the previous 26 months. Experts say that this movement could continue in the short term, but expect that the increases will reassert themselves. “We believe that the drop in the last few days is a natural short term corrective […]

Javier Navarro does not recommend investing in real estate and banks

The revaluation of the Spanish stock market during the first quarte was 7.3%, higher than the 4.2% of the Euro Stoxx50 and the 5.4% of the American S&P 500. The reason for this very positive start to the year has been more closing of short positions by hedge funds than the flow of new funds.

Santiago Hagerman gives his thoughts on the effect of a rise in euribor

Euribor – European interbank interest rate – 12 month rate ended April at 2.086%, the highest level since February 2009. This means a higher cost of €744 annually for an average mortgage of €150,000. According to GBS Finance partner, Santiago Hagerman, rising rates along with “tough fiscal cuts” that are required for the peripheral countries […]