Juan Esquer’s view about Spanish elderly population growth and its impact on the economy
Juan Esquer, GBS Finance partner,takes part in El Pais Negocios article about theelderly population growth in Spain and its different impacts on the economy. From a financial point of view, Juan Esquersays that elderly people need more financial advice than other kind of customers and they need products that fit with their risk aversion profile.
Pablo Díaz Lladó analises for Cinco Días the helathcare sector situation in Spain
Iván Dolz de Espejo participates in Antena 3 television to explain the Spanish banking improvements
Funds & Society interviews Pablos Díaz-Lladó, GBS Finance partner
Pablo Díaz-Lladó, GBS partner speaks about the investment interest of Latinoamerican Companies in Spain and the other way around
Gómez de Pablos: “Next year we will see more big deals”
Grandes firmas de capital riesgo han abierto oficina en España. El mercado está a punto de animarse.
Daniel Galván takes part into the El País reportage about the industrial sector in Spain
Santiago Hagerman’s view about Spanish economic recovery Antena 3
Mikel Bilbao shares his opinion about Spanish property market with Real Deals
Real Deals asks for Mikel Bilbao, GBS Finance partner, evaluation of Spanish property market which he believes remains depressed.
Ignacio Martínez analises for El País Negocios Andorran private banking evolution
El País Negocios
GBS Finance, committed to developing social venture capital
Firma un acuerdo de colaboración con la Fundación Creas para analizar proyectos y buscar inversores.