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GBS Finance report and Mikel Bilbao statements on the retail industry

The financial daily ‘Expansion’ has published an article, based on a GBS Finance report on the retail industry in Spain. The article, titled “Fashion seeks his financial tailor,” warns that internationalization is the only outlet for Spanish fashion brands nowadays. According to Mikel Bilbao, partner of GBS Finance, “external output is expensive, and achieve a […]

Santiago Hagerman gives his opinion on the destination of the money of the big fortunes

“In our case we have kept on investing in high-quality corporate bonds in Spain, since the uncertainty situation has generated good opportunities. A few months ago, for example, the short-term bonds of Telefónica were giving about 7% profitability”, reports Santiago hagerman, partner of GBS Finance Family Office. On the tendencies for 2013, the asset managers […]