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GBS Finance strengthens its M&A area in Portugal

Eduardo and Gonçalo bring to our team extensive experience and knowledge of the Portuguese market. Both will help to reinforce our strategic plan and GBS Finance’s commitment to Portugal.

Gerardo Lorenzo Predicts Extraordinary Growth Potential in Galicia

Gerardo Lorenzo, director at GBS Finance Wealth Management, states that “at GBS we have no doubt that Galicia’s growth potential is extraordinary” in an interview published by El Correo Gallego. He analyzes the Galician economy and companies, and predicts that “there will be great business opportunities.”

Alberto Roldán Recommend Adding Gold to your Portfolio

Alberto Roldán from GBS Finance Wealth Management, analizes why it is a good option to incorporate gold, as a means to diversify, into your portfolio in an article for Invertia. He justifies this by stating, “we live in a very complicated and difficult time for the saver” in relation to low interest rates among other reasons.