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GBS Finance Participates in a Report on Alternative Investments by “Estrategias de Inversión”

Alberto Roldán from GBS Finance Wealth Management, participates in a report on alternative investments published by the magazine “Estrategias de Inversión”. Roldán points out that “we cannot simply classify these investments as better or worse, they are simply different based on the most basic scale of parameters that every investor demands in any investment, such as profitability and risk”.

Alberto Roldan advises Investors to be Patience and Caution in an Interview with Invertia

Alberto Roldán of GBS Finance Wealth Management, advises investors to be patience and caution amid the current situation of “negative rates and some assets giving off dangerous signals.” In an interview published by Invertia, Roldán analyzed the challenges faced by the financial management and advisory industry and highlights service and independence as the unique qualities of a family office.

Alberto Roldán Analyzes the Value of Time in Investments

Alberto Roldán of GBS Finance Wealth Management, analyzes in what he considers the basic principles that every investor must take into account before making decisions: time and risk. In this sense, he considers that “these two elements must be clearly interconnected, and, above all, well defined” before starting the search for the investment product to invest in.

LA Organic Experience, among the 100 Best Innovations according to Actualidad Económica

LA Organic Experience, the oleotourism project by GBS Finance Investments in an environment designed by the prestigious architect Philippe Starck in Ronda, was named among the 100 best innovations in the business landscape in the ranking published each year by Actualidad Económica. In this list, in addition to projects related to travel and leisure, other initiatives in industries and scopes such as food, finance, new technologies, CSR, health and sustainability also appear.

The Pillars of a Good Asset Management

Alberto Roldán, from GBS Finance, explains the pillars on which a good asset management must be based upon in an article published by Consenso del Mercado. Thus, he considers it is essential to apply with extent and balance the time period, risk and profitability, something difficult to achieve in the abscence of specialized advising. “Having the best permanently in the portfolio is very difficult, practically impossible, which is why it’s a task that requires assistance,” he adds.

Alberto Roldán Explains the Key Characteristics of a Good Family Office

Alberto Roldán from GBS Finance Wealth Management, explains that exclusivity, a high quality of service and pedagogy are the three key characteristics of a good Family Office in an article published by El Asesor Financiero. He also notes that “in GBS part of the work we carry out is educating our clients, establishing a bi-directional communication loop”.

Juan Antonio Samaranch affirms that “Colombia is a very attractive country to invest in at this time”

Juan Antonio Samaranch, founding partner of GBS Finance, has said that “Colombia is a very attractive country to invest in at this time,” in an interview with the online newspaper The interview was held on a event organized in Bogotá by GBS Finance and the agency ProColombia, in which investment opportunities in the country were presented to sovereign wealth funds of seven countries.

GBS Finance presents investment opportunities in Colombia to sovereign wealth funds

GBS Finance organized an event in Bogotá, together with the agency ProColombia (entity responsible for promoting foreign investment in the country), in which investment opportunities in Colombia were presented to government sovereign wealth funds of seven countries that together manage more than 1.8 trillion dollars in funds. The meeting was attended by sovereign funds from Canada, the United States, China, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Dubai.

Opinion piece by Alberto Roldán in Funds People

Alberto Roldán from GBS Finanzas Investcapital AV (GBS Finance), in an opinion piece published by Funds People, affirms that “the different adjustment processes across interest rates is what alters portfolio structure, forcing us fund managers to make decisions contrary to what would be a more efficient design if it were based off expected average returns “. He justifies this opinion by pointing to the economic uncertainty experienced in 2018, and it seems that such uncertainty will remain in 2019.

Pedro Gómez de Baeza considers that “businesses are doing reasonably well”

The president of GBS Finance, Pedro Gómez de Baeza, addresses the economic situation and expresses that his ‘feeling’ about the economy is not bad at all, “I see that businesses are doing reasonably well”, in an interview with Actualidad Económica, from El Mundo. He also points out that at GBS Finance “we have an excellent capability to travel through the economic bridge that unites Europe, Spain and Latin America, which goes in both directions. We also have an excellent knowledge of the Chinese market. We have offices in Shanghai and Beijing. “