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Alberto Roldán recommends investing in actively managed funds in 2019

The Finance Director of GBS Alberto Roldán believes that the 2019 exercise should be better for actively managed funds than passive ones and predicts that small caps “will start to offer better performance relative to other categories”. The manager of GBS Finance made these statements through excerpts sent to and published by Bolsamania about the expectations of private banking analysts this year.

Pablo Gómez de Pablos analyzes trends in the M&A market in Capital & Corporate

The managing partner of GBS Finance, Pablo Gómez de Pablos, predicted that in 2019 “we will continue to see dual-tracks of some family-run businesses”, although we don´t expect “an IPO boom”, in an interview published in the latest issue of Capital & Corporate. In the same interview, he notes that in 2018 prices have begun to recover and in the most active sectors, mergers and acquisitions have interrelated, from the industrial sector to consumption and everything related to telecommunications and technology.

Javier Navarro recommends where to invest in 2019

The director of GBS Finance in Valencia, Javier Navarro, believes that the Ibex 35 could reach 10,100 points in twelve months and predicts that one of the sectors with the highest performance potential is oil, he reveals in an informational Q&A on 2019 stock market investing recommendations published by Valencia Plaza. Besides stock investments, he advises investing at least 20% in real estate, “since it is a way to reduce correlation with stock indices.”

Alberto Roldán stresses the need for long-term savings

Alberto Roldán from GBS Finance stresses the need for long-term savings in an interview with Dirigentes Digital. In it, he addresses the situation of the pension plans and also the achievement of the five stars rating by Morningstar of Global Value PP, a plan advised by GBS Finance Investcapital A.V.

Javier Navarro predicts a 2019 full of opportunities

The director of GBS Finance Valencia, Javier Navarro, foresees a 2019 full of opportunities, especially in European value stocks and in some emerging markets such as Brazil and India. Navarro argues in detail these findings in an article published by Valencia Plaza.

Interview with Juan Antonio Samaranch in ‘Espejo Público’

Juan Antonio Samaranch, founding partner of GBS Finance, was interviewed on Tuesday, December 4, at the Antena 3 ‘Espejo Público’ morning program. In the section ‘A coffee with Susanna’, the director and presenter of the program reviewed with him several current issues, stopping especially in the recent visit of the Chinese president to Spain, given […]

Daniel Galván comments in a report about the loss of valuation of Apple on the Stock Exchange

Daniel Galván, director at GBS Finance, comments on the change in Apple’s strategy to sell devices in a report published by El País, in which the loss of valuation in the stock market of the apple company is analyzed. In the aforementioned information, Galván explains that the change in strategy is “forced by the fierce competition in prices of Samsung or Xiaomei.”