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Daniel Galván explains the latest trends in the retail sector

The director of GBS Finance, Daniel Galván, explains that the retail sector is evolving along the lines of “having fewer stores but in prime areas” in a report on the changes that El Corte Inglés is experiencing published by Voz Pópuli. Galvan adds that “several US distribution giants are testing very well located small shops, even without offering physical products, in order to position themselves in online commerce.”

Alberto Roldán warns against excessive portfolio diversification

GBS Finance Wealth Management’s Investment Manager, Alberto Roldán, considers that the excessive diversification of portfolios is a “very inefficient strategy because, in addition to bearing an unnecessary cost, it prevents the best bets from shining in the aggregate profitability” in an interview published by Funds&Markets, of the Dirigentes group.

GBS Finance Investments project, La Almazara, receives favorable reports from the Junta de Andalucía

La Almazara, GBS Finance Investments project, designed by the prestigious architect Philippe Starck, already has all the favorable reports of the Ministry of Planning of the Junta de Andalucía, as announced by the mayor of Ronda, Teresa Valdenebro, and the municipal delegate of Works and Urbanism, Francisco Márquez. The project could be debated, to obtain its final approval, in the next plenary session to be held on the last Monday of July.

GBS Finance advises Orient Hontai Capital in a €1900M acquisition of 53,5% of Imagina.

On Tuesday, June 26, the agreement between Imagina Media Audiovisual and Orient Hontai Capital (OHC) on the acquisition of 53,5% de Imagina was closed, after obtaining all the regulatory and administrative authorizations.   The shareholding Group is made up by Orient Hontai (53,5%), WPP (22,5%), and two of the Group’s founding members, Tatxo Benet (12%) […]

The director of GBS Finance in Valencia analyzes the collapse of the Stock Exchange

Javier Navarro, director of GBS Finance in Valencia, analyzes the collapse of the Stock Exchange in Valencia Plaza. Navarro believes that “we are living an escape to lower risk assets as a result of the coincidence in time of the increase in political uncertainty and populisms in Italy and Spain.” He also believes that “the expansive cycle has lost some vigor but is still valid”.

When is it important to have a global picture of your heritage?

Keys for the good management of your patrimony, monitoring and consolidation of positions with the correct choice of holders. The figure of the depositary is fundamental. The offer is huge and it is important to leave to the professionals the choice of who should guard your heritage.

Mikel Bilbao analyzes the digitalization of the purchase in Cinco Días

The partner of GBS Finance Mikel Bilbao explains, in a report on the digitalization of the purchase published by Cinco Días, that “it is complex to grow both in physical and online stores. Right now, improving online sales means cannibalizing part of your physical sales, because the business as a whole has not grown so much.”