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Interview with Santiago Hagerman, managing partner and CEO of GBS Finance Investcapital

“With the rise in rates, having investments in fixed income will generate risk,” says Santiago Hagerman, managing partner and CEO of GBS Finance Investcapital, in an interview published by the magazine Inversión. He also praises European fixed income and advises investors “to focus more on preserving capital than on seeking high returns”.

Partner of GBS Finance Santiago Hagerman thinks about bitcoin

Santiago Hagerman, managing partner of GBS Finance, considers that the “opaque” character of bitcoin is a part of its “attractiveness” for a certain group of investors, in an information on the cryptocurrency published by the magazine Inversión.

Javier Navarro predicts that 2018 will be a good year for European banks

Javier Navarro, director of GBS Finance in the Comunitat Valenciana, believes that 2018 will be a good year for European banks in general “because the process of raising interest rates will begin and the Quantitative will end Easing (QE) European”, as explained in an information from Valencia Plaza about the privatization of 7% of Bankia.

Mikel Bilbao explains the growth of boutique advisory firms

“The smaller banks have been good at thinking out of the box and bringing ideas that were not in the table before,” says Mikel Bilbao, partner of GBS Finance, in a report about the increase in popularity and the growth in size and influence of the boutique consulting firms published by Real Deals.

Positive valuation of the operation in which GBS Finance has advised Eurona

The operation in which GBS Finance has advised the telecommunications operator Eurona in the signing of a 45 million euro loan with the investment manager alternative multi-strategy Magnetar Capital for the development of 5G has been positively valued by the daily Expansión, who has dedicated a comment in its editorial pages.